Constantine vii porphyrogenitus de administrando imperio
Constantine vii porphyrogenitus de administrando imperio

constantine vii porphyrogenitus de administrando imperio

The empire came in past centuries to be occupied by their present inhabitants Traditional, sometimes legendary, stories of how the territories surrounding As the Ile:pt 6e:µ&"wv described the origins, antiquities and topography of the imperial provinces, so the Ile:pt E:'.Jvw'J told the Wvwv, which the emperor had compiled during the 940's as a companion ThisĮarlier work was a historical and antiquarian treatise probably entitled Ile:pt Which corresponds to chapters 14-42 in the present arrangement. The work as we have it now iR a rifacimento of an earlier work These findings can here be very briefly.The method of compilation has been elucidated in detail in the General


Theoph.ģ5 For full bibliography, see Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, I, pp. IlEpt TOU, TLV\ Tp6m:i yE:yovzv Tf (jccmALY.OV apoµwvLov, :v.cct rrspl Twv: cf. The tribute paid by them, and in like manner of the inhabitants of the city of Of the Slavs in the province of Peloponnesus, the Milingoi and Ezeritai, and of XoccrTpou l\fotvr c xccl TOU rrccp' cc1'r:wv '!E:),ou♞:vou mxXTOU. ~YjTl:)V, orrcoc rij TWV IlaTpwv e:V.Y.A'ljcr(~ o[ ~xM(joL ilouAzUE:\V :v.oct Urt:OY.l'I rrccp' aOTW'I mx:v.-rcov, oµolco xcct rre:pl TW\J olKYJTOpcov TOU Chapter 39 of the holy sixth synod, held in the Domed Hall of the Great Palace 225

constantine vii porphyrogenitus de administrando imperio

Tji ~ocmA.e:loci 'Proµoclrov ate7t' Tpo1)1.Ac:i TOG µqoc).ou 'Ex 't'OU xocv6voi, oo t-&e:µ&:'t'tae:v l:'t'S:qiocvoi oµct-&'l)µoc't'txoi rre:pl 't"iji 't'&iv l:ocpocX'l)VhlVĮ~6aou, ev rro(cp xp6vcp tji 't'OU 圆aµou aua't°&ae:roi tyeve:'t'o, xocl lle:pl -rwv lloi:-r~ivoi:xi-rwv, xoi:l 7tpooc't'e:µt't'wv THE ROMANS TO HIS SON ROMANUS THE EMPEROR CROWNED OF ĬONSTANTINE IN CHRIST THE ETERNAL EMPEROR EMPEROR OF IIPOl: TON IilION YION P.OMANON TON 0EOLTEH KAI IIOPYPOI'ENNHTON BALIAEA. K.ONLTANTINOY EN XPILTnI BAl:IAEI AmNmI BALIAEOl: POMAmN Mutual Relationship of Manuscripts and Editions. Courtesy of the Byzantine Collection,ĭumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C.įoreword to the First Edition. Vil Porphyrogenitus, wing of an ivory triptych, Constantinople, mid-tenth century,ĭumbarton Oaks BZ.1947.11. Library of Congress Catalog Number 68-24220Ĭover: The Emperor Constantine with the facial features of Emperor Constantine Byzantine Empire-History-Constantine Vil Porphyrogenitus, 913-959. Translation of: De administrando imperio. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATAĬonstantine Vll Porphyrogenitus, Emperor of the East, 905-959.Ĭonstantine Porphyrogenitus De administrando imperio. STUDIIS BYZANTINIS PROVEHENDIS DESTINATAE

Constantine vii porphyrogenitus de administrando imperio